Hiye Folks
First of all, thanks for spending your valuable time reading my blog and I hope you guys are doing great.It's nice to see you all back again, thanks for your support.
A few people were asking me about camera projection and I thought it might be a great idea to write it , so it might be useful.I am not going to elaborate, I will make sure to keep short and sweet
So what is camera projection mean???. Its a illusion of creating a 3d environment form a 2d image.Its done with a unique procedure.I mainly use Nuke and Maya for camera projection and you can be able to achieve this in other compositing and 3d applications like Eyeon fusion, after effects, 3ds max, Cinema4d etc.
First the camera has to be tracked if the shot has a movement.Then the tracked camera is imported to 3d application.Now the geometry has to be modeled as per the requirement in the shot. Its not necessary to create a hi res model, make simple 3d models to match the scene.Then assign a material and connect it through a projection3d node and link the camera through it.Render the scene to check the final results.This is how the projection technique is done in 3d application.
This topic is just to give you an overview about camera projection.Hope you enjoyed reading it.Kindly, leave your comments.
First of all, thanks for spending your valuable time reading my blog and I hope you guys are doing great.It's nice to see you all back again, thanks for your support.
A few people were asking me about camera projection and I thought it might be a great idea to write it , so it might be useful.I am not going to elaborate, I will make sure to keep short and sweet
So what is camera projection mean???. Its a illusion of creating a 3d environment form a 2d image.Its done with a unique procedure.I mainly use Nuke and Maya for camera projection and you can be able to achieve this in other compositing and 3d applications like Eyeon fusion, after effects, 3ds max, Cinema4d etc.
First the camera has to be tracked if the shot has a movement.Then the tracked camera is imported to 3d application.Now the geometry has to be modeled as per the requirement in the shot. Its not necessary to create a hi res model, make simple 3d models to match the scene.Then assign a material and connect it through a projection3d node and link the camera through it.Render the scene to check the final results.This is how the projection technique is done in 3d application.
This topic is just to give you an overview about camera projection.Hope you enjoyed reading it.Kindly, leave your comments.